
When you need custom name badges for your business, let Print2Go help you create the right options quickly and accurately!


  • Create a name badge for each employee

  • Choose the appropriate colour for your business

  • Helps customers identify your staff

  • Helps coworkers learn each other’s names

Name badges can be a key component of any business, whether it’s a restaurant or a salon. At Print2Go, we offer custom name badges that can be printed in your preferred choice of three colours, and we make sure everything is printed correctly. Order your badges today!


  • Available in three colours - White Aluminum, Silver Aluminum, and Gold Aluminum

  • Two backing options - pin back or magnet back

  • Full-colour or black ink printing, depending on badge colour

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

Name Badges

Total : $ 28.99
Unit Price :$ 28.99
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